Create your own perfect Reuben sandwich.

The joy of making Halal Salt Beef.

My passion for cooking salt beef comes from the simple fact that there isn't real Halal Salt beef available in the UK. Definitely not using a beautiful piece of beef brisket. Its a tough piece of meat, but after soaking in a wet brine of salts and spices for a full 7 days, and then cooked low and slow for at least 3-4 hours ( size dependent), it creates the most amazing food experience. 

The question I get asked the most is why do I bother? It’s laborious isn’t it? And then there's the wait! I mean who wants to hang around for a week waiting for your meal to be ready?

I started because my family discovered halal charcuterie. Especially salt beef. But the stuff from the local supermarkets, it's nothing like you get on Brick Lane or  Harrods. Historically, brisket was used because it was  the cheapest cut of meat. Today, most companies use silverside. It's easier to cook and sliced in a machine. It’s paper thin, very, very salty and shiny. In contrast, Brisket has to be cut by hand. 

I’m a great believer in simple ingredients. Every culture has a story behind their greatest dishes. And I'm a big history buff. I’ll have you know I got an A in O’level history! That's proof in case someone wants to know. Plus it’s something I occasionally  show off to my family when I get the odd question right on quizzes. I digress! 

A good friend bemoaned he had to wait so long for my next batch. But, my dear friend, firstly, thank you for waiting. And secondly your patience will pay off ! You’ll be rewarded with the most succulent , freshest chunks of meat that a deli sandwich will ever have the privilege of filling a sandwich. 

I insist on good quality sourdough or rye mix bread, spread with a mix of mustard/mayonnaise sauce, generous pickles and sauerkraut. But the  really sexy way is to eat it in a bagel. Therein is also the problem. Good bagels, like good politicians are hard to find! I just lay everything on a huge platter. Let people make their own deli sandwich. 

It’s communal eating at its best.  Like all artisan creators, there’s  joy when I see people smile with their first bite. 

But a new dawn has come, and maybe I'll have more luck.. If you live in London, lucky you. The East End has a number of small deli shops, including  and both make perfect soft-on-the inside, chewy-on-the-outside bagels. 

As they say, one thing leads to another. Since I’m claiming bragging rights on my salt beef, I'm now on the hunt for the perfect bagel. That's another story folks for another day. Suffice to say, I love challenges. I’ve always believed that if you’re not content with your lot, change it. At least try to look for an alternative. There's fun to be had, searching, testing and trialling. Sometimes, I think it what drives me and maybe keeps me sane, or as my kids say, keeps mum from interfering with our business!

Recipe for a classic Salt beef Reuben:

½ portion Fizz & Lily’s ready to eat salt beef pack, eat cold,  or warm by submerging the sealed pack into hot water in a pan, and simmer for about 5 minutes. Or open the packet and put the meat in a microwave proof dish, sprinkle liberally with water and heat through. 
couple of slices sourdough/rye bread or bagel
Mustard and /or Thousand island sauce
Emmantel cheese or similar
Tablespoon or two sauerkraut
2 or 3 pickled gherkins, sliced or chopped finely
Crispy fried onions / jalapenos/. Red chillis ( optional)

Just lay everything on a big platter and share. 

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